Materiali didattici ad uso interno e personale dei partecipanti al Corso di Formazione organizzato dal Comune di Ospitaletto periodo didattico 2021-2023
Sezione dedicata alla gestione (registrazione e archiviazione) di tutti i flussi operativi e contabili di Accademia Italia asd e delle sue Sedi Operative.
Activity profile
This is a qualification that refers to an assistance and technical support activity to another higher level instructor.
The coach who has achieved this qualification is not authorized to work independently.
He conducts training sessions designed and planned and approved by the higher level Instructor or the gym technical Director.
The coach holding this qualification has the basic knowledge to distinguish the elements that make up an education program through sport and a sports skills development program.
Activity profile
This is a qualification that refers to a technical activity.
The instructor who obtained this qualification is authorized to carry out autonomous job.
It is conducts training sessions designed, planned and approved independently or in collaboration with the
technical director of the gym.
The instructor with this qualification has the basic knowledge to distinguish the elements
that make up an education program through sport and a program of development of sports skills
and general skills to teach the basics of sports education