Accesso e condizioni riservate agli European Social Sport Coach che hanno un certificato emesso e regolarmente incorso di validità al 31 Ottobre 2020
Access and conditions reserved for European Social Sport Coaches who have a certificate issued and regularly valid before 31 October 2020
Activity profile The ESSC with this qualification has the knowledge to distinguish the elements that make up an education program through sport and a program of development of sports skills and general skills to teach the high level of sports education. The function of the European Social Sport Coach / International Social Sport Coach is to design and deliver specific motor activity programs aimed at developing specific educational processes. Through the teaching of the discipline technique, it transmits to the student the behavioural codes designed to recognise and assimilate the human rights and behaviours aimed at achieving the pre-established social objectives in the programme. It prepares the teaching activity for individuals or groups; it evaluates the training needs analysing the students’ socio-cultural context of origin. The activity of the European Social Sport Coach / International Social Sport Coach is aimed at the promotion of correct lifestyles aimed at preventing the use of doping substances, drugs and alcohol. It advises, motivates and updates the students, individually or in teams, so as to allow the improvement of their state of well-being, always favouring the experimentation of the various relational dynamics through the practice of sport. It prepares programmes to harmonise physical, moral and intellectual growth through the practice of the reference sporting discipline. It signals to those interested, in full compliance with privacy policies, the phenomena which affect eating disorders. The activity of the European Social Sport Coach / International Social Sport Coach is aimed at all the targets which define the different evolutionary ages of person.
This is a qualification that refers to a education activity.
The individual who obtained this qualification is authorized to carry out autonomous and professional job.
It is conducts training sessions designed, planned and approved independently.